"The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you." II Corinthians 13:14 (The Message)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Things That Matter: Grace

"It requires less character to discover the faults of others, than to tolerate them." J. Petit Senn

I was watching the episode of MASH tonight where Father Mulcahy was trying to collect donations for the orphans so that they could have a great Christmas. Charles, in his usual way,said he wouldn't donate anything because he didn't want to inspire hope one day just to have it dashed from them the next. Later, they were able to squeeze a can of smoked sardines out of him. Of course B.J. and Pierce were irritated at him because he had received several large packages in the mail and was unwilling to share.

That night, Charles sneaked out and took those packages to a Korean family who had a lot of children. The father invited him inside so that he could give the gifts to the children himself, but Charles made it clear that his family had a tradition they participated in every year where they took gifts to a needy family and left them on the doorstep anonymously. It was extremely important to Charles that the gesture remain anonymous.

Things are not always as they appear. I can't even begin to count the number of times my perceptions have clouded reality. I wonder what would happen if we just gave people the benefit of the doubt regardless of reality. What if people afforded that same grace to us? Even if our perceptions are correct, is that really important? The grace you allow might just be the key to changing someone's life.

I want to be a trafficker of grace.


1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this post. I remember this episode, although I was not allowed to watch many of them as a kid, this is one that I caught. So often we judge the actions of others before really knowing their hearts. Caution, we need to approach with caution.
