"The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you." II Corinthians 13:14 (The Message)

Thursday, October 20, 2011


There are days when I feel like I must stand on my head in order for my students to pay attention to what I am saying. I've had a day like this all week! The frustrating part of the whole week is that they don't seem to understand the value in setting priorities. I know they are capable because I've witnessed their abilities, but what has happened to their desire to do well? I honestly have to say that I've never had a class like this. Of course, I always have two or three who choose to goof off and wait until the last minute to complete assignments, and I've always had one or two who just opt not to do the assignment at all; however, this particular class has 70% who absolutely don't seem to give a flip!

Is it a trend? Have parents become so enabling that they can't see the damage they are causing? Do they not realize that they are destroying the self-esteem of their children when they don't allow them to accept responsiblity? I've had beautiful projects turned in by these students which are assignments they do outside of class. Are the parents cheating them by doing those projects for them? The outside work ethic is not matching up with the classroom effort.

Eek! Hopefully, it's not a trend and just a one class thing. We need to be down on our knees and praying for the next generation. They will lead us someday. Parents, stop enabling. We don't want a president in 25 or 30 years whose mommy is still cutting his/her food!

Thanks for letting me vent!


1 comment:

  1. Oh Penny, that must be horribly frustrating. There are so many brilliant kids out there and it should be the other way around. You should have a 30% or less ratio of kids who don't do what they should. After reading your post, I am even more proud of my girls for wanting to do their utmost for their teachers, but more importantly, for themselves! I'm glad we had the sense to instill this in them and give them the space to fail and succeed. I am joining you in prayer for this generation!!
